Court Monitoring Program

Monitoring Cost: $65.00 + $30.00 Fee Per Screen

Monitoring Program Guidelines

  • The program will provide client with assistance in making the appropriate referrals to match his/her needs and assist in receiving the services recommended on the Order.
  • The program will monitor client with random drug screens, which are included in the program cost. Suspicion of substance use may result in specifically assigned screen(s) chosen by CLEARSTART, LLC.
  • Client is required to call the drug screen hotline on a daily basis.
  • When client's number is called, he/she shall report to SEDA between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM after $30.00 payment is received.
  • In the case of a positive screen, client will be required to attend a review with a clinician within seventy-two (72) hours to identify the appropriate support and/or intervention. Failure to comply will result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court. Upon completion, results shall be forwarded to the Court. The review cost is $65.00.
  • Client shall be given twenty-four (24) hours to make up missed screen. Failure to screen will result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court.
  • CLEARSTART, LLC shall discuss a dilute specimen with client via telephone to determine if a review is necessary. Failure to return phone call within twenty-four (24) hours may result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court. Recurring dilute specimens may result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court.
  • If client has special circumstances (working offshore, vacation, etc.) that will prevent you from providing a screen, it is his/her responsibility to provide CLEARSTART, LLC with that information prior to those dates.
  • The program will provide assigned Judge monthly reports on client's progress regarding recommendations and compliance.
  • Client shall provide monthly verification of attendance for IOP, Individual Therapy, and/or Education classes.
Expert Testimony: If any party desires to subpoena CLEARSTART, LLC to testify at any hearing, the subpoena shall be directed to April Micheau, LCSW at CLEARSTART, LLC's address. CLEARSTART, LLC will charge an expert witness fee of $350.00. Expert testimony fees are to be paid within forty-eight (48) hours of the scheduled hearing date.

PayPal Options: You do not have to be a member of PayPal in order to pay with a credit card/debit card. You must fill in the client's name in that field in order to process your payment.

  • Monitoring Monthly Fee ($65.00+4.25%) $67.76
  • Client's Name:
  • Screen Fee ($30.00+4.25%) $31.28
  • Positive Screen Review ($50.00+4.25%) $52.12
  • MIssed Appointment Fee ($75.00+4.25%) $78.19
  • Assessment Fee ($485.00+4.25%) $505.61
  • Expert Testimony ($350.00+4.25%) $364.87
  • Pay Any Amout ($??.00+$5) $??.00