Court Monitoring Program
Monitoring Program Guidelines
- The program will provide client with assistance in making the appropriate referrals to match his/her needs and assist in receiving the services recommended on the Order.
- The program will monitor client with random drug screens, which are included in the program cost. Suspicion of substance use may result in specifically assigned screen(s) chosen by CLEARSTART, LLC.
- Client is required to call the drug screen hotline on a daily basis.
- When client's number is called, he/she shall report to SEDA between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM after $30.00 payment is received.
- In the case of a positive screen, client will be required to attend a review with a clinician within seventy-two (72) hours to identify the appropriate support and/or intervention. Failure to comply will result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court. Upon completion, results shall be forwarded to the Court. The review cost is $65.00.
- Client shall be given twenty-four (24) hours to make up missed screen. Failure to screen will result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court.
- CLEARSTART, LLC shall discuss a dilute specimen with client via telephone to determine if a review is necessary. Failure to return phone call within twenty-four (24) hours may result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court. Recurring dilute specimens may result in a Non-Compliance, which will be forwarded to the Court.
- If client has special circumstances (working offshore, vacation, etc.) that will prevent you from providing a screen, it is his/her responsibility to provide CLEARSTART, LLC with that information prior to those dates.
- The program will provide assigned Judge monthly reports on client's progress regarding recommendations and compliance.
- Client shall provide monthly verification of attendance for IOP, Individual Therapy, and/or Education classes.
PayPal Options: You do not have to be a member of PayPal in order to pay with a credit card/debit card. You must fill in the client's name in that field in order to process your payment.